Dream Time
Our dreams are our personal source of renewable energy.
Whether or not we remember our dreams, we all have them — by day and by night.
I love to nap and to dream! I’ve been a power-napper since college — able to fall asleep fast, and awaken refreshed after 10–30 min.
Lately I’ve been telling myself I want to take a nap when I wake up in the middle of the night. The results aren’t in yet, but it’s early days for this experiment.
Sharing our dreams with others is a good way to get to know one another and to feel connected.
It’s also risky.
Only share your dreams with trusted friends and mentors.
The language of dreams can make us laugh with glee or recoil in horror. Part of the fun of dreams is learning to decipher our own dream language.
I’ve never been fond of other people’s interpretations of dreams. I like Carl Jung’s work suggesting that every character in our dreams relates to some part of us.
Decades ago I taught myself to fly in my dreams because it sounded like fun, and I wanted to see if I could fly.
Every night before I fell asleep, I told myself I would fly in my dreams. It took a few nights practice before I flew, and the first time I did, my excitement at flying woke me up.
Still, it was a fun exercise in learning how to get more out of one third of my life — the sleeping part.
These days my expectation and invitation is that I am open to receiving information while I sleep.
I ask questions before I fall asleep so I can wake up with answers or ideas.
Dream Time is a gift we give to ourselves and to the world. The information of our dreams holds clues to answer the questions we have when we’re awake.
It seems a shame to place all of our attention on our waking state while ignoring what goes on in our creative minds while we sleep.