The Heart of Partnership
This painting began as a drawing in my journal while I participated in my friend Macy’s annual cyber “Love Camp.” Macy Harjot Matarazzo is an inspirational teacher of all things LOVE. Check her out at
The theme of Day Three of Love Camp was “Letting Go”. Macy started us out in the virtual Arts & Crafts Room with a guided meditation. She asked us to create a symbol of our distraction from Self-love.
I drew a picture of myself in bed with a cold. It was one of my six-eyed self-portraits and only my top two eyes were open (the eyes of inner wisdom).
The spiral at the base of the bed surprised me.
For some reason, I’d expected it to reverse itself. When it didn’t, it felt “wrong.” So I went in and forced a reversal.
WOW! I wasn’t expecting to see the heart that the new symbol provided!
This new spiral felt friendlier, like two strong-willed people facing one another.
When we face one another, we can communicate more clearly (doesn’t mean we do, it means we can).
When we face one another, it’s easier to move into the future together.