Posts tagged # 2017
Creating a Life that Matters

“Death is one of many ways to lose your life.”  ~Alvah Simon

Losing yourself in the life of another is a way to “lose your life”.

Complacency is another, much more insidious way to “lose your life”!

It’s no coincidence that the quote above by Alvah Simon popped into my head during Thanksgiving Dinner. I hadn’t thought of it for 16 years and suddenly, there it was, clear as the day I first heard it in an NPR interview with Simon.

Simon wrote the book, “North to the Night” about his sailing trip to the Arctic Circle!

In 2000, his quote was my clarion call to move to Hawai`i to begin my life as a full-time professional artist.

Today it’s my call to keep moving and to take my career to the "next level".

My adventure begins anew!

I’ve always been independent. Mom says my independence began at the tender age of two.

Independence is often a good thing. Interdependence might just be better. It’s time for me to find out.

It’s time for me to create a team and to delegate some of the tasks I’ve been tackling on my own these last 16 years.

This is scary territory for me.

As a one-woman show, I’ve been responsible to and for ME. Soon I will be responsible to and for MORE.

I will be working with an outside team of experts in the fields of art and business to help me craft my new “Art of Aloha TEAM”. (Details to follow at a later date.)

I’m excited, nervous, thrilled, curious, hopeful, and scared — just the perfect place to be to move forward in bold brush strokes.

I hope you’ll join me on this new exciting journey, and invite your friends along too!

Together we can take new steps, test new creative waters, stretch a few boundaries, and bring a bit more life force energy into our lives.

If not now, when?

Let’s make 2017 the year we all shatter
our self-imposed “glass ceilings”!