2020 showcased the “art of the spin.”
We learned that anywhere, anytime, we can put our own spin
on a situation, shifting our perspective to see things differently.
I became aware of the power of thought 35 years ago when I read an article
on the impact negative thoughts and words have on our emotions.
I read the book, “You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought,”
and began to do what I call “practicing the flip.”
“Practicing the Flip” is one of my favorite tricks to keep my sunny attitude.
The idea is that for every “negative perspective,” there’s a correlating “positive perspective.”
For example, instead of saying “don’t forget your sweater,” say “remember your sweater.”
Try saying both phrases out loud.
Did you emphasize “don’t,” “forget,” “remember,” or “sweater?”
That’s the word that sticks in your brain.
To practice the flip, “Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions,”
becomes, “please email me if you have any questions.”
You’ve successfully removed all hesitation!
It takes conscious awareness to “practice the flip.”
Good news! With practice, it comes more easily.
How far away do your dreams feel and how do you feel about that distance?
If they feel near, you might feel eager anticipation.
If they feel far, your feelings might vacillate.
Which perspective feels better?
How can you flip your perspective to feel even better?
What if it’s a good thing that your dream isn’t about to come true tomorrow?
What would you do if it were? Are you really ready for that possibility?
What can you do today to prepare yourself for that inevitability?
You might not be aware of ALL of the things that need to happen to make your dream real.
How could you? Your dreams aren’t static, they morph and evolve as you do.
No worries, you’re finding and making your way toward your dreams.
Practice living as if your dream is getting closer every day.
Fuel your dream with the joy of anticipation and preparation.
Make room in your heart for the changes your dream will bring about.
Start to make those changes.
You are growing into your dream. It is within your reach.
Remember your ever-present ability to flip your perspective.