When I take a walk, I take photos of the things that capture my attention. I’m amazed at all of the new things I see on the very same walk I take several times a week.
These photos are clues to what’s going on inside of me, just below the surface of my consciousness awareness.
This week, as I slogged through my days, I asked myself what I wanted to do — not what I had to do, but what I wanted to do.
It’s a true luxury to be able to ask these things.
While it’s not a luxury to be without the income I had when visitors were here buying my art, time is a true luxury.
As a result, I’ve been painting, writing, and reading more. The paintings have a new and different quality to them.
Thoughts of old creative ideas have bubbled up to the surface again, bringing joy with them.
I’ve begun to work on a Coloring Story Book that’s been languishing in the clouds for six years!
I’m glad I had as much of it done before I stopped. Now, with fresh eyes and renewed enthusiasm, I’m ready to play with it again.
Two other coloring or storybook ideas have jumped back into my life with an eagerness I wasn’t expecting.
The weird thing is that these ideas jump in whenever there’s a lull in my attention. Heck, they jump in whenever they want to. It’s up to me to take note before they jump back out of my awareness!
These are difficult times for all of us to varying degrees and for a variety of reasons.
The lean years, the tough times can either wear us down or build our resilience.
That doesn’t mean it’s easy. You can begin with simply noticing what’s around you, what’s capturing your attention, and where your curiosity takes you.
This is the time to “Hitch Up to Your Own Special Star”.
We might have, in the past, tried to “Hitch Up” to someone else’s star, and while that might have been the right thing to do then (emphasis on the word might), it’s clear now that listening to our own inner wisdom is a much better idea.
We each have a guiding star within. Follow that star, Your Star.