Posts tagged #palmfronds
What are You Looking At?

The things that attract our attention have information for us that can help us make choices and decisions in our lives.

When we take the time to notice our surroundings or notice what captures our attention, we’re sure to learn something subtle about ourselves.


My latest palm frond painting (a work in progress) began when I noticed some dead palm fronds cut up and awaiting removal near my parked car. I took photos from different angles to capture their essence.

Later, while staffing the Hawaii Watercolor Society exhibit, I was drawn to two paintings showing a strong contrast of warm and cool colors. The colors, not the subject matter, captivated me.

When I began this palm frond painting, I did so in a rush. I was too impatient to sketch it all out before I starting to paint.

This painting wanted to be painted!

I didn’t know what the painting was about until I awoke around 3:30 AM with thoughts of being transported someplace that I really wanted to go. I wish I could remember where I went, alas, it’s vanished. Such is the nature of sleep and dreams.

That’s when I realized I’m painting the feeling of movement.

Palm fronds that fall to the Earth carry with them a remembrance of the wind in their tangled leaflets and the striations on their “hilt.” They wear their history in their beauty.

I'm facing a new move in my life, in a year already filled with inner and outer movement.

No wonder these fronds captured my attention. They’re reminding me that movement is essential to a healthy, vibrant, evolving life.

Almost, but not quite finished, this piece is titled, “Remembering the Wind”.

Almost, but not quite finished, this piece is titled, “Remembering the Wind”.

Move on!