Posts tagged Discovery Tool
My Word of the Year for 2010 is Connection

I've been a fan of Christine Kane'sblog and eZine for about a year. On December 31, 2009, I worked an exercise she offered her readers: The Word of the Year Discovery Tool.

Wow, I mean, WOW!!!!!!! What a wonderful tool!

Through a series of questions, Christine guided me to discover the word that would intuitively propel me into 2010 in a powerful way. I journaled for about thirty minutes and when I was finished, I was energized! I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my word for 2010 is Connection.

I intend to powerfully feel my connection: to my inner self; to my art; to my family and friends; to YOU, my collectors; to the Universe; to all things and all beings.

On New Year's Day, Keanu and I went to see the movie, Avatar. Imagine my pleasant surprise when I realized the powerful theme throughout the movie is the interconnection of all things.

There I sat, beaming at the screen, feeling my connection to this fascinating movie!

The next evening, my friend Diana came to paint wine glasses with me and Keanu. Together we painted a collaborative glass in memory of the Tree of Life in Avatar. It's a bit difficult to see in this photo, but the tree itself is painted in black and the luminescent leaves are white.


If you haven't seen the movie, watch it in 3-D. The graphics are amazing; it's a lot of fun! Go ahead, watch the movie and let me know what you think. Imagine how connected we will feel.