Posts tagged Inner Infinite Wise Self
Getting Curious

As adults, most of us are used to knowing what’s happening and what we can expect to happen next. Now we’re not so sure.

Now we’re not feeling so nimble and quick. Now we’re a bit more hesitant and if we’re honest, frightened.

“Journey” began with this image on a piece of paper left over from the under-painting of “Hitch Up to Your Own Special Star”

“Journey” began with this image on a piece of paper left over from the under-painting of “Hitch Up to Your Own Special Star”

Now we’re in the “Uncomfort Zone” at a time when we expected to feel comfortable.

Maybe it’s time to “Get Curious!”

Stage one: paint is painted on 300# wet watercolor paper. Then we wait to see what happens.

Stage one: paint is painted on 300# wet watercolor paper. Then we wait to see what happens.

Comfort and complacency shut curiosity down.

Curiosity offers new and different answers, complacency isn’t looking for new or different anything!

When we feel complacent, there’s no room for innovation, revolution, transition, or transformation.

When we’re complacent, we desire “same old/same old” to stay safe.

Now we’re finding out what happens when “same old/same old” isn’t “safe.”

The Journey begins with painting what “I know to paint.” I rely on the painting to show me.

The Journey begins with painting what “I know to paint.” I rely on the painting to show me.

Our cataclysmic shift began seemingly overnight. We’re still adjusting. Nothing has settled, and it could be some time before it does.

We’re being changed. We’re learning to adapt.

The degree of adaptation we’re enduring as adults is HUGE compared to the kinds of mini-adaptations we’ve been making throughout our lives.

The last time we had to adapt to anything remotely close to this level of change was when we were learning to walk, talk, or write.

Back then, we had help and the patience of elders guiding us along the way.

We have friends now and scary as it sounds, many of us are the elders.

I was expecting a volcano when suddenly a dragon appeared!

I was expecting a volcano when suddenly a dragon appeared!

As elders, it’s time to tap into our inner wisdom so we can share it with those seeking comfort or wisdom.

We don’t have to be right all the time — or for everyone. What we think, say, and do does matter.

It’s time to open to the reality that although each of us is an individual, we share a common humanity, a common need for love and acceptance.

Everything that has happened to date, has done so one moment at a time.

We still take one breath at a time. We’re simply people doing the best that we can as we navigate this
strange new world.

Be kind. Be gentle, Be open, Be curious.
Be the love that you are, through and through.

We’re in a new phase of evolution right now. It’s time to trust our Inner Infinite Wise Selves. We all have one.

Get in touch with your Inner Infinite Wise Self — and ask questions.