Yes, of course, I get scared. How could I not have moments of fear? The Hilton Hawaiian Village, my marketplace, is a ghost town — which is as it should be. The islands are on Shelter-in-Home orders.
This is out of our hands, out of our control. We like to feel in control and these times are bigger than us.
It’s comforting to know that none of us are alone in this. We’re all experiencing this at the same time. We’re all human, feeling the panoply of emotions, going through quite the equalizing experience.
Introverts use alone time to recharge their energy before going out in public. Extroverts recharge while out in public.
My coach/friend Aletta de Wal calls herself an “extroverted-introvert.” I’ve adopted the moniker as well. We’ve learned to monitor our times in public and balance them with alone time.
I imagine the amount of alone time we’re experiencing now is more difficult for extroverts than for introverts.
From SARK, I learned the Inner Feelings Care System. It’s important to feel your emotions as they move through you. It’s important to let them move.
Emotions = Energy in Motion. If they get stuck or tamped down, they can wreak havoc on your body.
Feel your emotions and then send them thanks. Talk to them.
Your emotions are your personal
“emergency broadcasting station.”
They have messages for you, it’s okay to ask for clarification.
Often the message is to not take your thoughts too seriously, especially if you’re starting to freak out.
Freak-out moments can mean that you’ve moved off the truth of who you really are. You are love incarnate.
We don’t have to believe our panic or fear. Acknowledge it, yes; believe it, no.
Name your emotion. “Oh, this is fear” or “Oh, this is panic.” It is not YOU, it’s an emotion running through you. Rather than push it away, recognize it for what it is. Feel it and it will move on.
This is a Sacred Moment in Time.
Our fears are reminding us that we’re human. Our personal divinity is knocking at the door wanting to be let into our life, waiting to be acknowledged.
“Accidental Angels” and the three heart paintings I’ve painted the past three months came in preparation for this moment of time.
We’ve been preparing for this moment our entire lives. Live well and mind your heart.
Thank you, Spirit. Thank you, Inner Wise Self. Thank you, hands, paints, brushes, paper, & the past almost 20 years of painting!