I depend upon grace, beauty, and inspired words to keep my emotional life, and therefore my physical and creative life, on an even keel.
I look for, and find reassurance from the world around me, reminding me that I am loved no matter what. Daily, I see hearts formed by tree roots, rocks, and leaves. Hearts peeking out to remind me that I’m mot alone in the massive world.
Still, I often forget — that’s why I need daily reminders!
I'm okay with that because I’ve learned to seek out reminders on my daily walk. In this way, I actively participate in my physical and emotional well-being.
I’m not looking for Big Leaps forward, although that might be a good idea. I look for little things, the things most people don’t notice, to guide my way. That’s where I find inspiration to begin again with each new day.
Yesterday I shipped four paintings off to my photographer/printer (he’s been on Maui during the pandemic). Wow! Four paintings all finished this past week.
Which means, it’s time to begin again, from scratch, on something new.
Having more than one painting in progress at once, allows time for me to “get stuck” if I don’t know what to do next or my energy flags. It permits time for me to allow one painting to dry while I work on another. It eliminates delays if I don’t know what to paint, but I have the time, and want to paint!
No matter how many paintings I seem to have in progress at once, they often finish up at the same time — or near-enough the same time that they get shipped off together, leaving me with a blank sheet of paper.