Posts tagged intuition
Inspiration Paints the Way

I depend upon grace, beauty, and inspired words to keep my emotional life, and therefore my physical and creative life, on an even keel.

I look for, and find reassurance from the world around me, reminding me that I am loved no matter what. Daily, I see hearts formed by tree roots, rocks, and leaves. Hearts peeking out to remind me that I’m mot alone in the massive world.


Still, I often forget — that’s why I need daily reminders!

I'm okay with that because I’ve learned to seek out reminders on my daily walk. In this way, I actively participate in my physical and emotional well-being.

Paper Heart.jpg

I’m not looking for Big Leaps forward, although that might be a good idea. I look for little things, the things most people don’t notice, to guide my way. That’s where I find inspiration to begin again with each new day.

Yesterday I shipped four paintings off to my photographer/printer (he’s been on Maui during the pandemic). Wow! Four paintings all finished this past week.

Which means, it’s time to begin again, from scratch, on something new.

Tentitive titles:  “Miles to Go”  and  “Exponential Potential”  Do you have a preference?

Tentitive titles: “Miles to Go” and “Exponential Potential” Do you have a preference?

Having more than one painting in progress at once, allows time for me to “get stuck” if I don’t know what to do next or my energy flags. It permits time for me to allow one painting to dry while I work on another. It eliminates delays if I don’t know what to paint, but I have the time, and want to paint!

No matter how many paintings I seem to have in progress at once, they often finish up at the same time — or near-enough the same time that they get shipped off together, leaving me with a blank sheet of paper.

Colors of Love

Colors of Love

Then it’s time to look for fresh inspiration to paint my way forward once more.