Posts in philosophy
One Person's Obvious is Another's Obscure

A friend recently gifted me with eight or nine ceramic bowls that her husband had made. She has too many and he keeps making them.

I hesitated. They were all SO beautiful!

“No!” my friend exclaimed, “These are his “seconds”. If you look closely, each one is flawed.”

Slowly I put one aside, and then another, and another, being careful to not take too many.

Truth be told I would have taken them all — although I certainly don’t need them all, they were just So Beautiful!

As I was walking out the door, she said, “Don’t you want this one? I just love the colors on the inside.”

Of course I wanted that one! I just didn’t want to be greedy. I took that one too — it’s Stunning!

Heck, I even had the nerve to ask if it would be okay for me to share one or two with a friend (assuming I could bring myself to part with one or two).

How rude”, I thought to myself, “but we’re friends”, I reasoned.

Except we’re sort of “new friends” if you know what I mean, so I really hope I wasn’t too rude!

As I left, I said, “I feel like a thief!”

My friend assured me, “no, these are all seconds — they’re flawed.”

I placed the bowls on the studio counter so Rebecca and I could “Ooh and aah” over them before I took some back to the house.

The bowls make us to want to have a party. We want to clean the studio and use all of the bowls for finger food.

That’s how festive they feel.

These beautiful bowls are one person’s idea of “seconds”, of flawed pieces of pottery, of an art form that didn’t quite meet the standards that they’d set out to achieve.

So what? They are still beautiful!

Most of us fall short of the standards we want to achieve.

We “fall short” because we’re moving forward, we are growing and expanding our universe. And we keep moving the standards further and further from where we began!

Creation and expansion are imperfect processes.

I appreciate the generosity of my new friend and I love the way I feel when I see and use my beautiful new bowls (“flaws” and all).

There is joy in feeling the heart-or-head-to-hand-to-creation connection coming through the bowls. These bowls are perfect to me, although they might be imperfect to the creator.

Handmade art has loads of qualities and character, and is always made by “imperfect humans”.

The more we’re able to put ourselves into our art, the better and better our art becomes, even when it’s “flawed”!

We love the perfect imperfections seen and felt in art that speaks to us.

Stop, Look, and Listen …

Before you cross the street”

That was the jingle I learned when I was growing up.

Today I use "Stop, Look, and Listen" as my intention for every day of my life.

Today it translates to:
Be Present, Be Aware,
and Be Open

Being Open means open to receiving guidance in whatever forms it comes.

Sometimes it’s a whisper, a word that pops into your head.

Sometimes it’s an article in a magazine or newspaper — even the comic strip!

Sometimes it comes in the form of a dream, or a dream fragment.

Sometimes it’s something you see, or think that you see, out of the corner of you eye. Then it’s gone in a flash!

I like to think of these “nudges from the universe” as a game or a puzzle. It’s FUN!

It’s up to me to interpret what they mean and what I’m to do with them.

That’s how the “BlockHeads” came to be (btw: they desperately want a new name so if you have any ideas, please share them with me!)

The other day, as I lay down to take a ten-minute nap (I’ve been a “power-napper since high school), this phrase popped into my head:

I’ve got more than a few ideas of what to do with this, and I’m open to finding out more — and a bit excited about it too.

I must confess that all these ideas, coming so quickly, make me wonder how to squeeze more hours into each new day!

What a wonderful problem to have!

I drew this Octopus in my journal. That's when I saw a piece of coral on the lanai from a new angle, and it looked like an octopus. What fun!

I wouldn’t have this kind of fun if I weren’t aware of all the guidance surrounding me.

In the “olden days” (a.k.a Biblical/Torah/Koran times) people talked of angels appearing. Heck, Angels started to reappear in the 1970s too!

Intuition is another common word for guidance.

No matter what verbiage you use, I know you receive guidance too.

Remember: STOP, LOOK,

It might take a while for you to be aware of all the guidance you’ve been receiving, but once you do, your excitement levels will soar!

Creating a Life that Matters

“Death is one of many ways to lose your life.”  ~Alvah Simon

Losing yourself in the life of another is a way to “lose your life”.

Complacency is another, much more insidious way to “lose your life”!

It’s no coincidence that the quote above by Alvah Simon popped into my head during Thanksgiving Dinner. I hadn’t thought of it for 16 years and suddenly, there it was, clear as the day I first heard it in an NPR interview with Simon.

Simon wrote the book, “North to the Night” about his sailing trip to the Arctic Circle!

In 2000, his quote was my clarion call to move to Hawai`i to begin my life as a full-time professional artist.

Today it’s my call to keep moving and to take my career to the "next level".

My adventure begins anew!

I’ve always been independent. Mom says my independence began at the tender age of two.

Independence is often a good thing. Interdependence might just be better. It’s time for me to find out.

It’s time for me to create a team and to delegate some of the tasks I’ve been tackling on my own these last 16 years.

This is scary territory for me.

As a one-woman show, I’ve been responsible to and for ME. Soon I will be responsible to and for MORE.

I will be working with an outside team of experts in the fields of art and business to help me craft my new “Art of Aloha TEAM”. (Details to follow at a later date.)

I’m excited, nervous, thrilled, curious, hopeful, and scared — just the perfect place to be to move forward in bold brush strokes.

I hope you’ll join me on this new exciting journey, and invite your friends along too!

Together we can take new steps, test new creative waters, stretch a few boundaries, and bring a bit more life force energy into our lives.

If not now, when?

Let’s make 2017 the year we all shatter
our self-imposed “glass ceilings”!


BE More and Do Differently

We are not being called to DO More.

We are being called to BE MORE of Ourselves and to DO DIFFERENTLY.


The world is shifting in a myriad of ways.

This is the time of darkness in the Northern Hemisphere (and increasing Lightness in the Southern).

Those of us in the tropics experience the shift as well; it’s just more subtle. If you were to visit me today you might not notice the seasonal change, but those of us living here definitely do!

This time of year is traditionally used to let our lands lie fallow, giving them a chance to rest.

It’s also a time to let our minds mull over the past year; it’s a time of introspection.

At the beginning of 2016, I declared it the “second-coming” of Sweet Sixteen.
It was a chance for us to revisit our younger selves and to make any course correction we wanted to make.

What will 2017 bring? What do we want to see, to feel, to experience in 2017?

It’s up to us — it’s always up to each one of us!

Resist the distractions of the world around you.

Focus on what YOU WANT!

We have the opportunity to shine our lights brightly, to bring our desires into focus.

We must keep our eyes trained on the “prize” that we seek.

Don’t worry; we can’t get this “wrong”.

Opportunities abound each day.

“Do-Overs” are a natural part of the creative process.